Idaho Wine Commission
In The News
2020 Pacific Northwest Winery of the Year: Clearwater Canyon Cellars
In a sense, each bottle that winemakers produce represents a series of experiments. Their knowledge of chemistry is on trial. There’s an expression of artistry as well as an ability to take what the vine provides and the grower nurtures.
Ice in their vines: Holesinsky Winery pulls off tricky ice wine harvest
“This wine is very, very, very, very, very, very special,” Holesinsky Winery owner and winemaker James Holesinksy said, carefully releasing the yellow-orange ice wine into his glass.
Buhl wine making a name for itself on the regional stage
The Holesinsky Winery in Buhl won two double golds at this year’s SavorNW awards, the biggest competition for Oregon, Washington and Idaho wineries. Double gold is the highest honor a wine can receive at the competition, short of receiving both double gold and best in class. Looking at the past winners on the SavorNW website, it appears that the Holesinsky Winery is the first in Idaho to win two double golds in one year.
Idaho to allow bonded wine warehouses
Idaho on July 1 to align with Washington, Oregon in allowing third-party warehousing.
Vineyards get early start in SW Idaho
Crews have been pruning grapevines this week at Williamson Orchards & Vineyards west of Caldwell, Idaho.
“It focuses the growth into the wood making the best fruit,” co-owner Mike Williamson said March 9. This detail pruning also can make future canopy and harvest management easier, and reduce susceptibility to mildew and disease.
MarketWatch – Is this the unpretentious and totally delicious new wine country?
Why Boise, Idaho could be the next hot spot for wine lovers