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Idaho Wine Commission

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Wine Business.com – Sip Your Way into Summer with Idaho Wines

June 15, 2021

After a year of distancing, life is starting to open up again—and it couldn’t come at a better time. Spring, the season of rebirth, has arrived and summer, with all its warmth and long days filled with never-ending sunshine, will be here very soon. For wine lovers, adventurers, and others, there’s no better time to get out and explore Idaho wine country than now. Here are several ways to have some fun exploring the state and experience Idaho wines this summer. 


Tasting Panel – Anthony Dias BLUE REVIEWS

In each issue, senior editor Anthony
Dias Blue selects a wide range of the
best wines and spirits from among
the more than 500 he samples over
the course of a month. The reviews
are subjective editorial evaluations,
made without regard to advertising,
and products are scored on a
100-point scale:


NEWS BREAK – New Idaho Wineries You Have to Visit This Summer

June 2, 2021

Did you know the great state of Idaho has some of the best grape-growing conditions in the world, matching the soil conditions and latitude of some of Europe’s most famous wine regions? It’s true (and you can check exactly which regions correlate on this interactive latitude map), and with Idaho opening back up to post-pandemic wine enthusiasts we thought it would be generous of us to highlight some of the state’s newest wineries. Yes, you can visit them all, and yes, it’s worth booking a trip to Idaho for a long weekend of wine and adventure.


FORBES ONLINE – Why Airlines Are Dramatically Increasing Flights To Smaller Cities

May 18, 2021

American travel may be nearly unrestricted now but long-haul international travel remains almost entirely out of reach for summer, bringing a welcome boost in popularity for domestic destinations nationwide. After suffering its worst year in history, the airline industry is also experiencing a sudden explosion in demand across North America, leading major airlines to launch new routes almost weekly, often to smaller cities forecasting quick returns to pre-pandemic levels, or even surpassing them.


FARE Idaho – Your Guide To A Fun, Safe Winery Visit In 2021

May 14, 2021

Every year, thousands of people flock to urban and rural wineries in the Treasure Valley, including the 17 outposts on Idaho’s famous Sunny Slope Wine Trail. In 2021, those visits will look a bit different. Due to COVID-19, some tasting rooms are open on a reservation-only basis this summer, and others are enforcing mask wearing and social distancing. 


Salmon Safe – Bitner Vineyards awarded Hero of Salmon for 2021

April 5, 2021

At this week’s virtual LIVE annual meeting of environmentally innovative Pacific Northwest winegrowers, Salmon-Safe presented our 2021 Hero of Salmon award to Ron Bitner of Idaho’s Bitner Vineyards for holistic and low input farming practices that protect water quality in the Snake River watershed while improving the health of the soil and providing forage for bees.