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Home / Events / Kerry Hill’s Newest Release Private Reserve Chardonnay Release Party

Kerry Hill’s Newest Release Private Reserve Chardonnay Release Party

May 17, 2024 @ 6:30 pm 8:30 pm

We are proud to announce the newest release from Kerry Hill Winery, a Private Reserve Chardonnay. This new wine was crafted by Isabelle Dutartre from De Ponte Cellars. It’s aged in French oak compared to our Bob White Chardonnay, which is produced in stainless steel. Guests will sample both chardonnays to compare the results of the different processes. Heavy appetizers and live music by Billy Braun will round out the night. Each couple will leave with a bottle of our new Private Reserve Chardonnay which won’t be released to the public until the end of May. This is a ticketed event, ticket info will be released soon.

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