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Home / Events / Hells Canyon History + Wine Tasting & Spoken Wines Video

Hells Canyon History + Wine Tasting & Spoken Wines Video

January 25, 2024 @ 5:00 pm 7:00 pm

 WHAT: A complimentary wine tasting by Hells Canyon Winery and a showing of the Spoken Wines video about Hells Canyon Winery. 
Check out the video trailer HERE
WHERE: The Boise COOP-Meridian location,
2350 N Eagle Rd, Meridian, ID 83646
WIN:  Subscribe the to Spoken Wine’s email newsletter HERE and be entered into a drawing to win a special bottle from their hand-selected collection, a ‘Women of the World’ Pinotage rosé, see Tammy with the bottle below! The COOP will have a featured selection of Hells Canyon and Zhoo Zhoo wines for sale, so we thought it would be fun to experience a different wine from the Spoken Wines collection.
Who is Spoken Wines? Founders Jan and Tammy de Weerd, former Meridian Mayor and her globetrotting family have been traveling wine regions around the world for over two decades and recently started Spoken Wines, to bring the wine story-telling business to you (and the wines in the stories as well).  As friends of the winery, and aficionados of wine, they decided to delve deeper into our story and make a video illustration to show to the wider world. Luckily for YOU, you can experience the wines and story in person!

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